We just uploaded the new December Newsletter. You can use this link to access the articles: https://roe47il.sites.thrillshare.com/browse/177100.
about 4 years ago, Parents as Teachers First Years
Mark your calendars! Tuesday, November 10 *6-12 ELA Networking Session 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. - Click & Go Session! Facilitator: Stacey Dinges & Krista Peterson *6-12 Math Networking Session 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. - Click & Go Session Facilitator: Anji Garza
about 4 years ago, ROE 47
Person storing knowledge they've learned in their brains
REGISTER NOW! A book study you don't want to miss! https://sites.google.com/a/roe47.org/roe-47-professional-development/ October 14th book study begins! Pre-registration by October 12th is required. Practicing Presence by Lisa J. Lucas This hybrid book study (Google Classroom and 3 zoom sessions) will provide educators with an interactive professional learning experience. Practicing Presence is a book to help teachers more successfully manage the frustration of feeling overwhelmed. It is filled with ideas, exercises, checklists, personal anecdotes, and practices educators can use to reframe and establish a mindset that will enhance focus and engagement in the classroom.
about 4 years ago, ROE 47
Practicing Presence by Lisa J Lucas
Congratulations to Aaron Sitze, Northwest Region Teacher of the Year! Aaron teaches Social Entrepreneurship at Oregon High School in Oregon Community High School District 220. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NF0z3LRmpQ&feature=youtu.be
about 4 years ago, ROE 47