We just uploaded the new December Newsletter. You can use this link to access the articles: https://roe47il.sites.thrillshare.com/browse/177100.
Mark your calendars! Tuesday, November 10
*6-12 ELA Networking Session
3:00 - 4:00 p.m. - Click & Go Session!
Facilitator: Stacey Dinges & Krista Peterson
*6-12 Math Networking Session
3:00 - 4:00 p.m. - Click & Go Session
Facilitator: Anji Garza
REGISTER NOW! A book study you don't want to miss!
October 14th book study begins!
Pre-registration by October 12th is required.
Practicing Presence by Lisa J. Lucas
This hybrid book study (Google Classroom and 3 zoom sessions) will provide educators with an interactive professional learning experience.
Practicing Presence is a book to help teachers more successfully manage the frustration of feeling overwhelmed. It is filled with ideas, exercises, checklists, personal anecdotes, and practices educators can use to reframe and establish a mindset that will enhance focus and engagement in the classroom.
Congratulations to Aaron Sitze, Northwest Region Teacher of the Year!
Aaron teaches Social Entrepreneurship at Oregon High School in Oregon Community High School District 220.