Dallas Knack  

March 1, 2023                                                                                    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  

SVCC Accepts FFA State Degree for Credit  

Sauk Valley Community College now accepts the FFA State Degree toward college credit. Area FFA students who have earned the State Degree qualify for agriculture credit at SVCC through Credit for Prior Learning.  

These students can receive credit in agriculture courses based on the college’s Credit by Evaluation process. Completing the State Degree means this credit is well deserved, and highlights the knowledge that FFA students have gained and their dedication to the agriculture industry. State Degree recipients can advance their college careers before even stepping foot on SVCC’s campus.

 â€śWe are excited to provide even greater access to higher education for our community and its students. The FFA State Degree demonstrates several learning outcomes that align to our agriculture programs and providing credit will assist many in their academic pursuits,” said Dr. Jon Mandrell, Vice President of Academics and Student Services.

 â€śCompletion of the FFA State Degree requires students to go above and beyond by participating in a wide variety of FFA activities and supervised ag experiences. We are happy to provide this credit evaluation which allows students to use the knowledge they obtained through completion of their FFA State Degree to assist them in jump starting their college experience,” said Sasha Logan, Dean of Business, Career, and Technical Education.
The State FFA Degree is awarded to students who have completed the minimum requirements set by the National FFA organization. That includes but is not limited to: receiving the Chapter FFA Degree, completing the equivalent of of at least two years (360 hours) in agricultural education at or above the ninth grade level, worked at least 750 hours in excess of scheduled class time in a supervised agricultural experience program, rank in the upper 40% of the class in scholarship or have an average of a 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, and participated in at least 25 hours of community service.
For more information, please contact Dr. Jon Mandrell at