Professional Learning

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Mission & Vision Statements

The Lee/Ogle/Whiteside Regional Office of Education Professional Learning and Educational Services Team is dedicated to supporting the growth and achievement of all students and educators in partnership with families and community stakeholders.

Partnering for Success

Team, Administrative & Instructional Coaching

Coaching is an onsite professional development opportunity for teams, educators, and administrators. A coaches’ role in the TEAM SETTING is to observe, ask questions, and provide meaningful feedback to: increase the capacity of the team to function within a culture of candor; determine levels of effective practice; and provide guidance toward universal and consistent practice.

In the INSTRUCTIONAL SETTING, a coach may provide modeling and/or critical feedback educators how to use proven teaching methods. They employ a variety of professional development procedures to foster widespread, high-quality implementation of instructional practices, resources, strategies, and interventions. ADMINISTRATIVELY, coaching enables the coach and the educational leader to brainstorm solutions to challenges they are facing in their building or district. Coaching duration and parameters will be established with the building or district administrative team, ROE Coaches, and the ROE Director of Professional Learning.

General Workshops

Workshops will address general and high need areas. The goal of workshops is to introduce new concepts, resources, and language to take back to the district for further planning and professional learning.

Click here for Professional Learning Opportunties.

Summits and Networking Sessions

Educational summits and networking opportunities allow teachers, administrators, and support personnel to share progress, resources, learning, successes, challenges, and products with their professional peers in Northwest Illinois.

Capacity Building Meetings 

Administrator and Superintendent meetings will continue for all Lee/Ogle/Whiteside Regional administrators and will be held online via zoom. The focus of these meetings will be to provide district leadership and building administrators with the information, resources, and support the need in their districts in a timely and collaborative fashion.

New Teacher Networking/ Mentoring & Induction Program

ROE 47 supports new teachers in a variety of ways.

  1. Comprehensive mentor training to build in-district support to new teachers

  2. Assistance in developing & implementing a mentoring & induction program

  3. New teacher training (Annual—August 2021)

  4. New teacher networking—includes after school/evening opportunities to learn, gain valuable resources, and share successes and challenges with teachers from across the region

  5. New teacher observations with coaching feedback (throughout the year)

  6. Additional Capacity Building Opportunities:

    • New Teacher Networking Sessions (Quarterly)

    • PASS Math & ELA (High School-College Articulation) Meetings (Quarterly)

    • Curriculum Coordinator Meetings (Quarterly)

    • Early Childhood Education Meetings (Quarterly)

    • Family Educator Meetings (Quarterly)

    • Counselor & Social Worker Meetings (Quarterly)

    • Special Education Collaboration Meetings (Quarterly)