McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program

Serving Families in Transition and Unaccompanied Youth

For 16 counties in Area 2, the program provides educational support for students identified as homeless. The program serves the counties of Boone, Bureau, Carroll, DeKalb, Henry, JoDaviess, LaSalle, Lee, Marshall, Ogle, Putnam, Rock Island, Stark, Stephenson, Whiteside, and Winnebago. Goals of this grant include:

  • Ensuring that all school districts in the 16 counties have an identified Homeless Education Liaison who has been trained on the subject and is registered by ISBE as a liaison

  • Provide professional development for liaisons, school personnel, communities and all other interested parties

  • Assist in identifying homeless students

  • Provide school supplies to students who are identified as homeless

  • Remove barriers to school success

  • Advocate for the rights of homeless students

  • Provide information and opportunities to educational and community partners to assist in meeting the needs of homeless students

  • Assist in emergency transportation of students

  • Answer questions and provide support to schools who have students identified as homeless

What Defines a Homeless Student?
Students who are considered to be homeless "lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence". This includes children or youth who are living in motels, hotels, camp grounds, transitional shelters, parks, cars, or any nighttime residence that is a public or private place not meant to be used as a regular sleeping accommodation. This includes children who fall into the following groups:

• Children waiting for foster placement
• Migratory Children who have night time accommodations that are not fit for habitation
• Unaccompanied youth who are not in physical custody of a parent or guardian
• Children who are denied housing by a parent or guardian
• Children or youth who are sharing a residence with another family
• Children living in shelters

Rights of Homeless Students:
The Stewart B McKinney-Vento Homeless Student Assistance Act protects the rights of all homeless students by:

• Assuring they have a free, appropriate public education
• Identifying and providing assistance to meet academic and non-academic needs
• Ensuring barriers to education are eliminated

How to Be an Ally for LGBTQ+ Experiencing Homelessness:

Housing Instability Resources:

For local support or assistance contact – Deb Sweeney, or 815-625-1495

Click here for additional information and forms needed to access services for homeless.